• Agenda



    • MEETING 15/10/2014

    Belgian Wildlife Disease Society: 2nd BWDS general meeting 2014

    Study day at Natuurhulpcentrum vzw Opglabbeek, 15th of October 2014

    Accredited by the Veterinary College (NGROD)


    · Venue : Natuurhulpcentrum vzw Opglabbeek 2009 - Industrieweg Zuid 2051 Opglabbeek

    Route description


    • Programme:

    09.30-10.00: Registration

    10.00-10.30: “ Algemene inleiding ” door voorzitter Sil Janssen

    10.30-11.15: “ Hoe vangen en hanteren we wilde dieren ”

    Frederik Thoelen (Bioloog)

    11.15-11.45: “ Stress factor bij jonge dieren en werk op de Intensive care afdeling ”

    Frederik Thoelen

    11.45-12.30: “Decision making in wild animal care “

    Stef Michels / Roxanne Van der Aa (Dierenartsen)

    12.30-14.00: LUNCH (offered by BWDS)

    14.00-15.30: Visit of the centre and demonstrations

    16.00: End of the day

    • MEETING 24/04/2014

    Belgian Wildlife Disease Society: 1st BWDS general meeting 2014

    Study day at the Univ. Liege, Sart-Tilman, 24th of April 2014


    Venue : ULg, Sart-Tilmant, Faculté Vétérinaire, Bat 43b

    Accredited by the Veterinary College (NGROD) EBP: 2, Number: EBP/N/2014/023.


    Download invitation & map



    09.30-10.00: Registration

    10.00-10.30: “Comparison of direct diagnostic Tools for detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in wil red deer (Cervus elaphus).” Dr. Rosario Volpe, DMV (ULg)

    10.30-11.00: “Hepatitis E virus infection of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Southern Belgium.” Dr. Damien Thiry, ULg

    11.00-11.30: “Home range and movement of red deer and wild boar in South Belgium, an overview.” Ir. Alain Licoppe (DEMNA-SPW)

    11.30-12.00: “Overview of the wildlife disease surveillance activities maintained by the Agency for Nature and Forest.” Dr. Muriel Vervaeke (ANB)

    12.00-13.30: LUNCH in Faculty RESTO (offered by the BWDS)

    13.30-15.30: Visit of installations and didactical necropsy

    16.00: end of the day


    Confirm your participation before 15/04/2014


    Route description


    avenue de Cureghem, 4000 Liège ou 4031 Angleur 

    Coming from Brussels (E40) or Namur (E42)

    - follow direction E25 – Luxembourg

    - leave the motorway at exit n°40 : Embourg

    - turn right until the traffic lights

    - at the traffic lights turn left and follow the direction ULg – CHU

    - follow this route for 4,5 Km until the sign BWDS and turn left

    - follow the signBWDS Parking 71

    - when Parking 71 is full, follow the sign BWDS Parking P75 

    - the meeting will take place at the amphitheater C (follow BWDS Meeting)




    • MEETING 19/09/2013

    The Belgian Wildlife Disease Society invites you to its 2nd general meeting for 2013, at Campus Drie Eiken, Antwerp University on 19 September at 10 am

    Two presentations are scheduled :


    (1) Prof. Cristophe Casteleyn : Manipulation  techniques for restraint in hedghehogs (egel, hérisson): possibilities to block temporarily the nerves responsable for “curling-up”, using local anesthesia. Vascular preparations of hedgehogs will be used to demonstrate these techniques.


    (2) Diederik Strubbe: Presentation about rose ringed parakeets (halsbandparkiet; perruche à collier) in Belgium (Brussels) and also on the isle of Mauritius where they may constitute a reservoir for pathogens of indigenous psittaciforms.


    The meeting will include a short guided tour  of the department Veterinary Anatomy at the UA. 

    venue and route description

    map campus


    Lunch can be taken on the campus.


    Please send a confirmation to if you plan to attend (in order to have an idea of the number of participants)


    The BWDS board



    • MEETING 29/05/2013

    The Belgian Wildlife Disease Society invites you to its first general meeting for 2013 which will take place on Wednesday 29th of May, at 10 a.m. in The Agro Biotech Faculty of the Liège University (ULG) in Gembloux. 

    Address: Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (Université de Liège)
               Passage des Déportés, 2,  B-5030 Gembloux

    route description

    campus map

    -->  Location of the meeting: Auditorium ZL (1st floor): use wooden staircase near to the monastery (this is n° 9 on the campus map). 

    detailed programme

    Lunch can be taken at the restaurant of the faculty. 

    If you would like to attend, please inform us:

    Kind regards and looking forward to seeing you in Gembloux !


    The BWDS board




    • MEETING 20/12/2012

    We invite you for the next general BWDS meeting, the last one for this year. This time we are welcomed at the INBO, Institute for Nature and Forestry (Flemish Community), at their site in Geraardsbergen (Eastern-Flanders), on Tuesday, 20 December at 10 a.m. route description

    Dr. ir. Jim Casaer will first explain the role of the INBO in wildlife study and management, and then will tell us all about wild boar in Flanders. The second part of the meeting we will go for a guided tour of the labs.

    presentation: Wild boars in Flanders a recent story 

    more presentations about wild boars 

    • MEETING 11/09/2012

    The second general meeting of the Belgian Wildlife Disease Society will take place on Tuesday September 11th, 2012 at the Queen Astrid Military Hospital, Bruynstraat 1, B 1120 Neder-Over-Heembeek, in the "Salle polyvalente HMRA (bloc A-1)/ Polyvalente zaal HMRA (blok A-1)", from 10 am to 1 pm.
    Four presentations are scheduled :

    - A poster presentation about serologic findings in roe deer in Flanders from 2008 to 2010
      (Paul Tavernier, Wildpad)
    - Transmission cycles of Borrelia bacteria in a European bird tick community
      (Dieter Heylen, UA)
    - Ticks and Lyme disease in Belgium: a review of current knowledge
      (Valérie Obsomer, UCL)
    - TBE diagnosis
    read more

      (Vanessa Suin, WIV-ISP)

    In order to have an idea of the number of participants (and sandwiches at lunchtime) please inform us about your presence


    • MEETING 28/03/2012

    The first general assemblee for 2012 will be held on Wednesday 28 March, 10:00 to 13:30, at the Food Safety Center (FAVV- AFSCA),  Kruidtuinlaan / Av. du Jardin Botanique 55, 1000 Brussels, Room K05/120321,  5th floor.

    route description


    Three speakers are scheduled:

    -Dr. Victor Luyasu (UCL) with a presentation about borelliosis (Lyme disease)


    -Stefan Roels (CODA-CERVA) who will present an update about the most recent modalities for the OIE notification of wildlife diseases

    read more


    -Leen Claes (ITM) Trichinella surveillance in foxes

    read more






    • MEETING 19/12/2011

    We invite you for the 3rd and last BWDS general meeting of 2011. In contrast to the usual "central" locations for our meetings, this time we have chosen the wildlife rescue centre of Ostend (VOC Oostende) where we will have the opportunity to visit the new rehabilitation facilities for oiled sea birds.


    The meeting will take place on Friday, December 16th, at 10 a.m. The centre is located between Ostend and Middelkerke, close to the "Provinciaal domein Raversijde" and the "Prins Karel memorial" 


    route description


    The agenda consists in a presentation about the problems of oil contamination on sea and the treatment of oiled sea birds. The presentation is given by Annemarie Warendorff, who is the cooperating vet at the  rescue centre. Following the presentation, a 1 h visit to the rehabilitation facilities for sea birds is scheduled. Finally a (30 min.) film about the recent oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and its impact on pelicans, will be presented.


    After the lunch pause an administrative part of the meeting is scheduled during which the main agenda points will be:

    (1) the evaluation of the most recent BWDS Symposium 

    (2) the preparation of the next OIE notification (at the beginning of 2012) about wildlife diseases.

    Any others agenda points can be added.


    Please send us an e-mail if you will come, so that we can have an idea on the number of attendants


    Kind regards and looking forward to seeing you in Ostend.


    The BWDS board



    • MEETING 21/06/2011

    We invite you cordially to our second general meeting for 2011 which will take place on Tuesday 21 June 2011 at 10am (until 1 pm). The location this time is at the INBO (Research Institute for Nature and Forest), Kliniekstraat 25, 1070 Brussels

    route description

    We have scheduled two speakers:


    1) Dr. Jo Maris (Dierengezondheidszorg Vlaanderen: DGZ) : Anaplasmosis


    2) Dr. Walter Fagot (Gent) : Forensic entomology


    The presentations will be followed by a short "administrative chapter"




    • MEETING 25/03/2011

    The Belgian Wildlife Disease Society invites you for its first general assembly of this year on Friday, 25 March 2011 from 10 am to 1 pm. This time the meeting will take place in the building FoodSafetyCenter (FAVV-AFSCA), Boulevard du Jardin Botanique / Kruidtuinlaan 55, Brussels, meeting room KO/120321.

    route description


    The agenda includes two presentations by invited speakers and an administrative part during which the new BWDS website will be presented among other subjects.


    The two invited speakers with their respective subjects are:


    - Dr. Reginald De Deken (Institute of Tropical Medicine, ITM) :  

    Biting midges and the bluetongue outbreak in Northwestern Europe

    - Dr. Ir. Jim Casaer (Research Institute for Nature and Forest, INBO):

    Management of game species in Flanders

    - Dr. Stefan Roels (Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre, CODA-CERVA):

    Overview OIE Global Conference on Wildlife Paris 23-25 February 2011




     Belgian Wildlife Disease Society