Vogelgriep lijkt zich uit te breiden
Stand van zaken hazenonderzoek
Verhoogde sterfte bij hazen door myxoma-achtige virusinfectie (2)
Verhoogde sterfte bij hazen door myxoma-achtige virusinfectie (1)
- Zoonotic pathogens in beavers, The Netherlands
H5N8 avian influenza virus outbreak in a wild bird rescue center, The Netherlands
- Polecat and foxes infected with bird flu, The Netherlands
Causes of decline in the Dutch population of European Turtle Doves
Generational transfer of organic contaminants in harbour porpoises, North Sea
- Avian Influenza H5N3, wild birds, The Netherlands (OIE)
- Foxes test positive for bird flu H5N1, The Netherlands
Geographic Distribution of Raccoon Roundworm, Baylisascaris procyonis, Germany and Luxembourg
- First West Nile Virus patient in the Netherlands
CLM- onderzoek naar rodenticiden bij niet-doelsoorten
- Trichomonas in greenfiches, The Netherlands
- Lassa fever from Sierra Leone, The Netherlands
- Diagnoses of diseases of harbour porpoises, live stranded from 2003 to 2016
- Invasive tick Hyalloma, Gelderland, NL
Live exotic animals import via Dutch airport, public health condiderations
Deer presence rather than abundance determines the population density of Ixodes ricinus in Dutch forests
Pathogen communities of songbird-derived ticks in Europe’s low countries
Role of mustelids in the life-cycle of ixodid ticks and transmission cycles of four tick-borne pathogens
More than 80% decline in butterflies in the Netherlands in a decade
- Asian tiger mosquito spotted in The Netherlands
- Brucella pinnipedialis in seals in The Netherlands
- AI H5N6 in The Netherlands, 2017-2018
- Lyme disease's worst enemy: foxes ? (1)
- Effects of predator activity on tick-borne disease risk (2)
- Severe pneumonia caused by Chlamydia caviae
- HP avian influenza in Greylag goose, The Netherlands
- Dead wolf found in the NL came from Germany
- Asphyxiation in long-finned pilot whales, caused by common soles
- Puumala Hantavirus modeling (NL)
- H5N8 found in wigeons: link with HP AI outbreaks in poultry
- Brucella spp. in stranded harbour porpoises on the Dutch coast