• Agenda





    - Toxoplasmosis in ungulates (France)

    - Survey of peseudorabies virus in wild boars in Italy

    - Recurrence of African swine fever in wild boar in Poland

    - African Swine Fever (Russia)

    - Ebola virus disease,Guinea: bat eating banned

    - Contrasting patterns in mammal-bacteria coevolution: Bartonella and Leptospira in bats and rodents

    - Intra- and inter-species transmission of Mycobecterium bovis in South Africa: are we  loosing the battle ?

    - North Atlantic migratory bird flyways provide routes for intercontinental movement of AI viruses

    - Scientists complete global inventory of flu strains in birds

    - First isolation of reticuloendotheliosis virus from mallards in China

    - Melting arctic ice releases deadly seal parasite (Sarcocystis pinnipedi)

    - Mycobacterium ulcerans in Australian possum species

    -MERS coronavirus in dromedary camels (1)

    -MERS coronavirus in dromedary camels (2)

    -Direct camel to human transmission of MERS

    - Eagle and grebe bird kills spur worry about WNV mutations

    - Salmonella in hedgehogs and Pasteurellosis in fallow deer (Sweden)

    - Epidemiology ofToxoplasma gondii in sympatric wild herbivores and carnivores

    - Isolation of Mycobacterium caprae from red deer (Italy)

    - A third case of tularemia in The Netherlands (Utrecht)

    - Indigenous infection with Francisella tularensis in The Netherlands

    First case of tularaemia in 60 years in the Netherlands in a brown hare (Lepus europaeus)

    - Tularemia detected in a brown hare, The Netherlands

    - Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in brain tissue of feral rodents and insectivores caught on farms in the Netherlands

    - Luxemburg woman gets bitten by a rabid bat

    - Ljungan virus and adenovirus in Italian squirel populations

    - Fatal morbillivirus infection in bottlenose dolphin, Canary Islands, Spain

    - Chlamydia in free-living small mammals in Europe and Afghanistan

    - Actic lineage canine distemper virus causes death in Appenine wolves (Italy)

    -ASF in Poland

    - Squirrelpox virus: prevalence, transmission, environm. degradation 

    - Piroplasmosis in wildlife in the Italian Alps (Babesia, Theileria) 

    -African Swine Fever in wild boar, Lithuania (1) 

    -African Swine Fever in wild boar, Lithuania  (2)

    - Brucellosis in Alpine ibex in the Bargy massif (Haute-Savoie, Fr)

    - Invasive Platydemus manokwari threatens French land snails

    - Giardia and Cryptosporidium in stranded common dolphins, Galicia, Spain

    - Isolation of Mycobacterium caprae from red deer in Italy

    - Hepatitis E: an emerging disease

    Leishmania infantum infection among wild carnivores in northern Spain.

    - Detection of Leishmania in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Southeastern France

    -Ranavirus mortality in frogs,Alpes Maritmes, France

    - Schmallenberg Virus Infection among Red Deer, France, 2010–2012

    - Acute Fatal Toxoplasmosis in a Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)

    - The role of wildlife in bluetongue virus maintenance in Europe

    - Avian influenza HP H5N8 in migratory Bean geese and Baikal teal, South Korea

    - African swine fever: recurrence in wild swine (Ukraďne) 

    - Zika Fever in New Caledonia (French Polynesia)

    - Novel Gammacoronavirus in Bottlenose dolphins

    - Rabies in a kitten imported from Morocco, Val d'Oise, F

    - Baylisascaris procyonis in raccoons illegally importd in Norway

    - Bicolored White-toothed Shrews as reservoir forBorna Disease Virus, Bavaria, Germany

    - Bluetongue serotype 4 (Spain, Portugal)

    - Geopgraphical distribution of Batrachochytrium. dendrobatidis among mountain amphibians, Italy

    - Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Germany: distribution, prevalences, prediction of high risk areas

    - Lyssavirus distribution in naturally infected bats in Germany

    - Breakthrough discovery links blue-green algae to motor neuron disease

    - The many mysteries of MERS

    - MERS coronavirus in bats, Saudi Arabia

    - Suspected case of African Swine Fever in Pskov, nort-western Russia

    - OIE Press Release on Avian Influenza H7N9 in China

    - Malignant Catarrhal Fever: An Emerging Disease in the African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer)

    - Morbillivirus in bottlenose dolphins, east coast USA

    - Parasite hitting bird populatons in Sussex (UK): trichomoniasis

    - Novel betacoronavirus related to MERS-CoV in European hedgehogs

    - Trichinella nativa in red foxes of Germany and Poland

    - Mycoplasmosis in wildlife : a review

    - The role of coypu in the epidemiology of leptospirois, France

    - Serosurvey of Schmallenbergvirus in Alpine wild ungulates

    - Fast moving snails spread deadly dog disease across UK (Angiostrongylus vasorum)

    -Bovine tuberculosis in "Eurasian" badgers (Meles meles) in France

    -Molecular characterization of Poxviruses associated with tattoo skin lesions in UK Cetaceans

    -Novel picornavirus in the European roller (Coracias garrulus)

    - Gastrointestinal nematode infections in roe deer from the NW of the Iberian Peninsula: assessment of risk factors

    -Invasive terrestrial plathelminths in France

    -Psittacosis, Sweden: human to human spread

    -Hantavirus update Germany : highest numbers recorded in one single year

    -Surveillance of foot-and-mouth disease in Southeast of Bulgaria following a FMD case in wild boar 

    -Prevalence of the crayfish plague pathogen A.astaci in the Signal Crayfish in France: evaluating the threat to native Crayfish

    - Novel pox virus in big brown bats

    - Not just frogs and bats: snake fungal disease hits US

    - Snake Fungal Disease (SFD) in the US

    - Hepatitis C -like viruses identified in rodents and bats

    - Cetacean polyomavirus (USA)

    - Frogs once used in pregnancy tests spread deadly fungus

    - Evolutionary increased virulence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in the North American House Finch

    - Trypanosome species in neo-tropical bats: biological, evolutionary and epidemiological implications

    -Spring viraemia of carp (SVC) in the UK : the road to freedom

    - Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Rickettsia in Ixodes ricinus in the city of Hannover (D)

    - Experimental infection of European Starlings and House sparrows with pandemic 2009 H1N1 and swine H1N1 and H3N2 triple reassortant influenza viruses

    - Fox baiting against E.multilocularis: contrasted achievements amongst 2 medium size cities

    - Novel Hantavirus in wildlife (UK): Tatenale virus

    - Severe Seoul Hantavirus infection in a pregnant woman in France, October 2012

    - A long-time serological survey on Aujeszky's didease virus infections in wild boar in East Germany

    - Ecological factors associated with European Bat Lyssavirus seroprevalence in Spanish bats

    - Cervus elaphus papillomavirus (CePV1): new insights on viral evolution in deer

    - The rise of Ranavirus:an emerging pathogen threatens ecothermic vertebrates

    - Paramyxoviruses in reptiles: a review

    - Francisella tularensis infection in in a stone marten (Martes foina) without classic pathological lesions

    - Psittacosis cases in Sweden linked to wild bird exposure

    - First detection of Echinococcus  grannulosus G1 and G7 in wild boar and red deer in Romania

    - Dynamics of an infectious keratoconjunctivitis outbreak by Mycoplasma conjunctivae in Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra p. pyrenaica)

    - Schmallenbergvirus in wild cervids (BBC News, info from Belgium)

    - Schmallenberg virus in wild cervids, southern Belgium

    - Leptospirosis in boy scouts, province of Luxemburg

    - Swimmers itch (Trichobilharzia occelata)

    - Brucella suis, serovar 2, in cattle in Belgium

    - Usutu virus persistence and West Nile virus inactivity in the Emilia-Romagna region 

       (Italy) in 2011 

    - Factors affecting Bluetongue serotype 8 spread in northern Europe in 2006: the 

       geographical epidemiology

    - "Chink in the Armor" of Schmallenberg virus identified

    - Seological confirmation in Schmallenbergvirus in wild British deer

    - Explosive spread of a neuroinvasive lineage of WNV 2 in Central Europe 2008/2009

    - Detection of Rickettsia helvetica in ticks collected from European hedgehogs 

    - Seroprevalence against Toxoplasma gondii in non-migrant and arctic migratory geese

    - Tick-borne pathogens in roe deer and ticks in southern Germany

    - Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in the Eurasian otter in England and Wales

    - Tracing the origin of Usutu virus

    - Schmallenberg in wild cervids in France

    - Parvovirus in wild carnivores in Portugal

    - Dermacentor reticulatus and canine babesiosis in the Swiss midlands

    - Spatial spread and demographic expansion of Lyme borreliosis spirochaetes in Eurasia

    - Hepatitis virus in long-fingered bats, Myanmar

    - Dolphin Morbillivirus in a captive Harbour seal (Phoca vitulina),Italy

    - Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in ticks from migratory birds, Morocco, implications for EU

    - Avian trichomonosis in garden birds, Ireland

    - TBE and Borrelia burgdorferi Ixodes ricinus in Rhine-Main region, Germany

    - Anaplasma phagocytophilum variants in sympatric red deer and sheep, Norway

    - Phylogeny and origins of Hantaviruses harboured by bats, Insectivores and Rodents

    - Wildlife hosts of bovine tuberculosis

    - Pathogenesis of white nose syndrome in bats : immune reconstitution inflammatory   

       syndrome ?

    - Crows don't digest prions: may transport them to other locations

    - Hantavirus outbreak in Yosemite National Park (USA)

    - Isolation of the novel BBLV Lyssavirus in Natterer's bat in France, 11 September 2012

    - Sarcosporidiosis in the Netherlands (in Dutch)

    - Sex-dependent transmission, progression and severity of tuberculosis in badgers

    - Emergence of avian pox in Paridae, UK

    - Trichinella britovi in martens and badgers in Poland

    - Epidemic of Salmonellosis in passerine birds in Switzerland

    - Staphylococcus aureus infection and fatal exudative dermatitis in red squirrels in UK

    - Reservoir competence of wildlife hosts for Babasia microti

    - Did wild birds cause the deadly 2010 WNV outbreak in Greece ?

    - Plasmodium in arctic birds

    - Temperature dependent growth of Geomyces destructans

    - Echinococcus multilocularis in red foxes in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)

    - Bats and bacterial zoonoses

    - Antiviral immune responses of bats : a review

    - The emergence of squirrel pox in Ireland

    - Atypical Mycoplasma agalactiae strains in Ibex (French Alps)

    - Highly divergent arenaviruses in Boa's: candidate etiological agents for inclusion body 


    - New "Sunshine" paramyxovirus causing disease in Australian snakes (1)

    - New "Sunshine" paramyxovirus causing disease in Australian snakes (2)

    - Tularemia in wildlife in Germany

    - Factors influencing emergence of tularemia in Hungary

    - Algal blooms in Europe (Ireland)

    - New rabies virus found in a civet, Tanzania

    - Abstracts White Nose Syndrome Symposium 2012, Madison, USA

    - White-nose syndrome fungus in Europe

    - Aujeszky's Disease Virus in a captive wolf in Belgium, december 2011

    - First evidence of Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic Virus in ticks in Spain

    - Metagenomic Analysis of the Viral Flora of Pine Marten and European Badger Feces

    - Usutu virus in blackbirds

    - Tularémie outbreak in hares in France (Departement Pas de Calais), March 2011

    - OIE declaration about global eradication of Rinderpest

    - Emergence in France of a new pathogenic variant of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus

    - White Nose Syndrome in bats in North-America

    - Bagaza virus in partridges and pheasants in Spain 

    - Fatal trichinellosis in humans in Spain

    - First Echinococcus multilocularis occurrence in Sweden

    - Peste des petits ruminants Israël - Final report

    - Peste des petits ruminants in wild goats (Iraq)

    - First reported incursion of HP Avian Influenza H5N1 clade 2.3.2 into European poultry 

       and wild birds


     Belgian Wildlife Disease Society