-Predator-dependent functional response in wolves: from food limitation to surplus killing
-Ultrasound to combat Chlamydia in koala population
-Viral metagenomic analysis of feces of wild small carnivores
-Comparative survey of canine parvovirus,-distempervirus and -enteric coronavirus in
wolves in Italy and France
-Small badger culls may spread bovine TB (UK)
-Babesia spp. in European wild runminants
- Ticks of Hyalomma marginatum complex transported by migratory birds into Europe
- Bat rabies in France: a 24-year retrospective epidemiological study
- Vaccine induced rabies in a red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
- Acute die-off of chamois due to Pasteurellaceae (Austrian Alps)
- Clinical infection of Cantabrian chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica parva)by Louping Ill virus
- Etiologic agents of meningoencephalitis in stranded cetaceans
- Increased fawn mortality in roe deer unable to adapt to climate change (in French)
- Decline and re-expansion of an amphibian with high prevalence of chytrid fungus
- No evidence for an influenza A-like virus in European bats
- Bat ticks Ixodes ariadnae sp.nov. and allopatric genotypes of I.vespertilionis (Hungary)
- New members of the family Pasteurellaceae isolated from European bats
- Gastrointestinal helminth fauna of mountain hares, NW Italian Alps
- Vaccinate sheep to protect (Pyrenean) chamois
- Viral metagenomics of French bat species, identification of new viruses
- See star mortality at the West Coast (USA)
- Wild hares carry sheep worms
- Cormorant catch concerns for fishers: estimating the size-selectivity of a piscivorous
- Causes of mortality and pathological lesions in red squirrels in Great Brittain
- Third minke whale found dead on UK shores
- Heart pathologies in dolphins stranded along the northwestern Italian coast
- Parasite hitting bird populatons in Sussex (UK): trichomoniasis
- Isolation of a new Chlamydia species in the Sacred Ibis
- Perfluoroalkyl acids in Scandinavian Otters: a new threat ?
- Neonicotinoid clothianidin affects insect immunity and promotes replication of a viral
pathogen in honey bees
- Climate change brings disease threat to polar bears
- Climate to wipe out Iberian Lynx
- Wounded seal found on Cornish coast had bovine TB
- A comparison of bats and rodents as reservoirs of zoonotic viruses: are bats
special ?
- The stranding anomaly as population indicator : the case of harbour porpoise
(Phocoena phocoena) in north-western Europe
- First molecular detection of Neospora caninum in European brown bear (Slovakia)
- Rabies and canine distemper virus epidemics in the red fox population of northern Italy
- Identification of multiple novel viruses in feces of red fox including a parvovirus and
- What caused the UK's largest common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) mass stranding event
- Reducing European wild boar population density as a measure for bovine tuberculosis
control (Spain)
- Morbillivirus epizootic in striped dolphins, Italy
- Introduced siberian chipmunks contribute to Lyme borelliosis more than native rodents
- Urbanization, trace metal pollution and malaria prevalence in the house sparrow
- Poisoning from lead gun shot in waterfowl in the UK
- USF study: frogs getting sick from climate change
- Raccoons are spreading dangerous diseases around Europe
- Alien mammal invasion in Europe
- Ring-necked parakeets (Belgium): nest site competion with nuthatches (1)
- Ring-necked parakeets (Belgium): nest site competition with nuthatches (2)
- Role of birds in vector-borne diseases
- Bats, White Nose Syndrome : Environmental conditions
- Patterns of Stranding and Mortality in Common Seals (Phoca vitulina) and Grey Seals
(Halichoerus grypus) in The Netherlands between 1979 and 2008
- White storks
- Reproductive performance in white storks
- Stranding of a sperm whale at the Belgian coast
- Influenzaviruses in bats (1)
- Influenzaviruse in bats (2)
- Investigating the role of bats in emerging zoonoses (FAO publication)
- Wild boar deaths on French coast (Brittany), August 2011
- Myasis in toads (pdf : p 7-13)
- Diclofenac intoxication in south-east Asian vultures discontinued
- Diseases in bats in Germany
- New Ebolavirus-like filovirus in bats in Spain